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For you, future parents


HypnoBirthing® Marie Mongan Method has been created carefully and adjusted over the years to improve the birthing experience of families over the world.

It consists of 5 sessions of 2.5Hours, ideally from the 6th or 7th month of pregnancy.

What you will learn:

  • Education on how our body is birthing

  • Visualization techniques

  • Relaxation techniques

  • Reach the subconscious to leviate any past fears or barriers.

  • Gives an important role to the birth companion and some advices on how to support the mother in this unique moment in life.

  • Learn how to trust your body and gain back your power to give birth in all consciousness.

  • Supported material:  meditation guides, Marie Morgan Book and other useful assets.

For whom is it?
For any Mum who wants to be better prepared to give birth in consciousness. It is open to all families:

  • Planning a Natural Birth, in a hospital  or at home.

  • Thinking about assisted Birth through Epidural or Cesarians

Where can we meet?
Located in Palafolls, I offer face to face sessions everywhere in Catalunya Spain- within the Barcelona & Girona remit.

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